China Web2.0 Review is a blog dedicat...
刚打开bloglines,CWR is one year old ,订阅这个这个blog的时间不算太久,一个月的样子吧,仔细看的帖子也不多,不过感觉还是很不错的。文章质量比较高。譬如昨天看到的关于校园社交网络的介绍。
翻了一下他的介绍,摘录如下:China Web2.0 Review is a blog dedicated to track and review web2.0 development in China. We will profile and review web2.0 applications, products, services and business in China, and track the buzz about web2.0 in China’s internet industry as well.
(从我的角度看,web 2.0虽有泡沫之嫌,但毕竟是技术发展的趋势。)
Though the definition of Web2.0 is still controversial, we believe web2.0 is not only a buzzword or bubble2.0 but an inevitable evolution of the web. And in China, one of the most potential and mysterious internet markets, web2.0 evolution is also on going and exciting us.
There are more amazing web2.0 startups who lack appropriate channels to be known by outside world due to language barriers.
On the other hand, we think many VC funds focused on China’s internet industry would also be happy to have more channels to learn latest development in China’s Web2.0 and find investment opportunities.
China Web2.0 Review is dedicated to be the channel to bridge the gap between them.